This is the code-name for the next release of the OS that Microsoft is planning. As per MS, it will be HTML5 and JavaScript based, completely supporting the ARM technology for the touch-experience in the mobile and tablet world. Looks like would be available even to the PCs with the options to switch back to the Windows 7 look-n-feel for those, maybe the businesses, which are not yet ready to upgrade their hardware to the touch-smart PCs. I personally feel that MS has made the right move, though a little late, for a foray into the mobile world.
With the not so expected reception for Windows Phone 7, MS had to revamp the whole strategy.
But does that mean an end to the .Net, Silverlight. Maybe its too early to say that. With Scott Gu moving to head the Azure, Silverlight definitely needs some jumpstart from someone.
But how this HTML5 is going to have an impact is what needs to be watched for.
For now, lets wait and watch……maybe this video :)